In the competition for funding from the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) UNESCO 2017, top ranked is project of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development entitled ‘Development of cultural and creative industries as part of a sustainable economic sector in Montenegro’. Funds totalling $ 86,090 have been approved for the implementation of this project.

After the pre-selection of the Montenegrin National Commission for UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture, the projects were evaluated by a panel of UNESCO experts. In total 227 projects from all over the world were applied for. We are proud to point out that our project is among the 7 selected, with the most points.

The project is about mapping the cultural and creative industries in Montenegro, as well as identifying and promoting innovative practices in this sector. The activities will be implemented at both local and regional level, with participation by women, young creators and members of minority groups. The work will also be done to improve the business skills of entrepreneurs in the culture through a set of dedicated trainings.

One of the results of the project will be the development of guidelines for the development of cultural and creative industries, which will be intended for decision makers and policy makers, the civil sector, and in general, to raise awareness of the importance of this sector of culture for the economic and social development of Montenegro.

The implementation of the project will start in April 2018 and the final activities are planned for the beginning of 2020.

The Cultural Diversity Fund was established on the basis of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, which Montenegro ratified in 2008.