A stain for someone, a sign for another – and in the world of integrated marketing communications, it can also become an important part of identity. You can see it right away. If it is on your shirt, it can speak louder than you and tell your interlocutor more about you than any word you say. It is hard to remove, impossible to ignore – it is a pain for everyone except for the one who decided to name the company to which he will devote his life to it. Fleka.

In 2008, Milos Milosevic, born in Cetinje, returned to Montenegro from Milan, where, after completing his digital design studies, he worked in the Prada Special Projects Division. He worked in Italy for both Vogue and Elle magazines and for brands like Coca Cola, Nike or BMW…

Now, for more than a decade, he has been building a world-class Montenegrin brand. Boris, Djordje, Ivan, Nemanja, Violeta, Milica, Irina, Slaven, Veselin, Vuk, Aleksa, Nina, Djuzepe and two Marko and two Milos; developers, project managers, content editors and copywriters, designers and illustrators – all freakish together: they are dedicated to their work and different one from another. They say that they are bound by shared dreams and the same system of values. They work in an environment with few desktops, with glazed walls, in a wide space that encourages creativity.

The main activity of the Company is the development of mobile and web applications, but this does not even roughly describe the breadth of activity they cover with their knowledge and skills. They build the visual identity of brands, devise communication and creative strategies, offer integrated communication solutions within a wide range of so-called traditional and new media. In the future, they want to turn to the banking sector even more, because the level of service in financial institutions needs to be constantly adjusted to the ever-changing market and simplify information management systems with quality and modern technological solutions. Fleka will continue to look for global partners, and the biggest challenge will be scaling: What does one small company need to do to preserve its vision, idea and what it came from – when it becomes big one?

They work hard and well, and they are rewarded for their efforts. They have received numerous national and international recognitions, including award for their contribution to the development of entrepreneurship in Central and South-eastern Europe at the International Economic Forum Perspectives in Croatia.

In the field of design and marketing communications, creativity is both a job description and its ultimate goal. That’s why it never matters who you have in your environment, so Milos Milosevic says that his greatest success is that he has succeeded in creating a great team of about twenty people who successfully cope with all the challenges.

How difficult it is, researches show the best. They indicate that creative people tend to be independent, intrusive, self-reliant, persistent and have a high tolerance for ambiguity. Creatives are people who take responsibility and who do not care too much about the standards and opinions of the environment and are often characterized by internal skepticism and intense curiosity.

They solve problems, it is not in their nature to make them. They are careful, observant, always ready for action, and they make conclusions more often on intuition than with logic. They play, they are noisy and cheerful. They think conceptually and strategically, they have a high ability to visualize and are always open to new experiences.

How is then possible at all to organize such people to function precisely in a team where everyone will work as one?

Easy, if they are willing to do just one thing: to get into it with open arms and pure hearts. It’s also the only way a team can become a family.

This is why once you enter Fleka, it simply – glues to your soul.