Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, from April 2018 to December 2019, implemented the project ‘Development of cultural and creative industries as part of a sustainable economic sector in Montenegro’ with the support of the International Fund for Cultural Diversity of UNESCO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture.

Within the mentioned project, we organize the final event which will be held on Friday, January 31, 2019, in the Multimedia Hall of the Ministry of Culture in Cetinje, starting at 1pm.

The project’s results will be presented giving the review of: mapping creative industries in Montenegro, assessing economic effects, identifying best practices, trainings for improving the entrepreneurial skills of entrepreneurs in this sector. Based on the conducted mapping and analysis of the practices of different countries, strategic guidelines for the development of the cultural and creative industries in the coming period were prepared, as well as publications with selected success stories from the aforementioned sector.