Today, at the Ministry of Culture, there was a meeting of the Minister Aleksandar Bogdanovic and the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in Montenegro, Gregor Presker. Current cooperation in the field of culture was discussed, with particular emphasis on the development of creative industries.

At the beginning of the meeting, Minister Bogdanovic recalled the initiatives implemented by the Ministry of Culture in the recent period, which related to the development of creative industries, pointing out that organizing the ‘Montenegro Day in the Republic of Slovenia’ and participation in this year’s International Entrepreneurship Fair in Celje, of particular importance for the regional promotion of the Montenegrin creative sector.

Minister Bogdanovic emphasized that the signed Agreement on cooperation in the field of culture represents a good basis for harmonization of the Cooperation Program, which would define concrete projects that could be implemented in the future. He emphasized that a monument to Franco Presern in Podgorica and Peter II Petrovic Njegos in Ljubljana is of particular importance for the promotion of the cultural heritage of Montenegro and Slovenia.

The Minister also emphasized cooperation in the field of cinema industry, emphasizing that the film centres of the two countries are continuously implementing joint projects, which is of particular importance for Montenegro, carrying out extensive reforms in this sector.

Ambassador Presker emphasized the importance of organizing the ‘Montenegro Day in the Republic of Slovenia’ and the MOS in Celje implemented in September this year, emphasizing in particular the presentation of projects supported under the Creative Montenegro program, as well as the performance of contemporary Montenegrin production. He emphasized that the participation of the Montenegrin delegation in the forthcoming ‘Creative Forum’ in Ljubljana represents a good platform for deepening cooperation in this field and emphasized that through the implementation of numerous cooperation projects, the ministries of culture of Montenegro and the Republic of Slovenia greatly contribute to deepening the links between the two States.