In 2020, the Ministry of Culture will co-finance new projects and programs in the following areas:

  1. Fine Arts

– programs and projects of international promotion and presentation of Montenegrin fine arts;

– international professional development programs (residencies, conferences, colonies, workshops);

– publishing projects in the fine arts (professional publications, lexicons and monographs on Montenegrin artists);

– retrospective exhibitions of great importance for Montenegrin culture.

  1. Music and music-stage activity

– new works of artistic music;

– production and premiere of new music and stage programs;

– participation of Montenegrin musicians in international cooperation projects;

– international professional development programs and workshops;

– publishing projects in artistic music (publications, CD, DVD…).

  1. Literature

– new literary works by authors from Montenegro;

– new works in the field of literature science;

  1. Literary translation

– translations of the works of Montenegrin authors into foreign languages;

– translations of the works of world literature into Montenegrin language;

  1. Magazines for Culture and the Arts

– magazines promoting cultural and artistic values, scientific achievements relevant to culture and the arts, developing intercultural dialogue and extending critical reflection to contemporary creativity.

  1. Theatre production

– new theatre productions;

-publishing projects in the theatre industry (professional publications, lexicons and monographs);

  1. Cultural events and festivals

– events and festivals in all areas of cultural and artistic creativity.

The right to participate in the competition is granted to natural and legal persons residing in Montenegro, that is, registered in Montenegro for performing cultural activities.

Individuals can compete with projects that they independently realize as their copyright work.

The following have no right to participate:

– NGO,

– national public institutions and other entities whose work is financed from the budget of Montenegro with funds planned for culture.

The projects submitted for the competition are evaluated according to the criteria prescribed by Article 73 of the Law on Culture:

– artistic quality and importance for the development of Montenegrin culture,

– references of the implementers,

– contribution to the development of multinational and multicultural values,

– contribution to fostering international dialogue and stimulating partnership development,

– international affirmation of Montenegrin culture,

– contribution to the preservation of tradition and Montenegrin cultural heritage,

– affirmation of perspective talents,

– contribution to affirmation of creativity of persons with disabilities,

– the reality of the project budget and the conditions for its implementation.

When evaluating and selecting co-financing projects, priority will be given to projects and programs that contribute to the achievement of a prescribed public interest in culture:

– the balanced development of culture,

– international cultural cooperation and exchange of programs,

– protecting and promoting the diversity of cultural expressions,

– scientific research and professional development in culture,

– securing other sources of financing,

– preserving the original and traditional cultural and ethno-cultural characteristics,

– development of amateur cultural and artistic creativity,

– development of cultural and artistic creativity of persons with disabilities,

– encouraging creativity for children and young people.

Projects and programs will be co-financed up to a maximum of 50% of the total amount needed for their implementation.

Projects and programs that received financial support from another source in the Budget of Montenegro in the amount of 50% of the total funds needed for implementation will not be co-financed in this competition, in accordance with the state aid rules.

Projects and programs that do not have project co-financing other than the budget of the Ministry of Culture will not be co-financed in this competition.

Applicants who have used funds under the call for proposals for co-financing programs and projects in previous years will also appreciate the fulfilment of their contractual obligations so far.

The application should be submitted on the appropriate form available on the website

More information can be found at the link: