Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, in accordance with Art. 68 and Art. 70 item 1 of the Law on Culture (Official Gazette of Montenegro 49/08, 16/11 and 38/12) announces Call for proposals for co-financing projects and programs in the field of creative industries and scientific research in accordance with the Action Plan of the ‘Creative Montenegro: Identity, image, promotion’ in 2019.

Within this competition, the Ministry of Culture will co-finance products and projects in accordance with the following thematic frameworks:

  1. The diversity of cultural expression
  2. Establishment of a cultural product in the field of fashion and textile design
  3. Establishing ICT products

Applications with the required documentation must be submitted to: Ministry of Culture, St. Njegoseva, Cetinje or electronically, via the form at:

Applications must be submitted as of November 27, 2019. at noon and the decision on the selection of programs / projects for co – financing will be made by the Ministry of Culture, on the proposal of the expert commissions, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Culture.

Contest texts and application forms can be downloaded from the following links: