Ministry of Culture of Montenegro announced on October 26, 2018 competition for co-financing programs and projects in the field of creative industries and scientific research in accordance with the Action Plan of the Creative Montenegro Program: Identity, image and promotion in 2018.

The Ministry of Culture will co-finance programs and projects with the following thematic framework:

  1. Creative Industries Sector – implementation of projects that are in the function of producing content that references innovative forms of presentation of identity and the State with the use of contemporary design and multimedia.
  2. Research projects – in the field of Montenegrin cultural history, Montenegrin studies of culture, history and theory of art of Montenegro, which are the result of author’s work or institutional engagement.

The aim of the Competition is to identify market-oriented projects and products that promote the Montenegrin creative and scientific-research sector and with their quality ensure the development of the cultural and creative industry in Montenegro.

All artists, producers, craftsmen, teams, amateurs and the like from the territory of Montenegro, i.e natural and legal persons acting as some of the following structures have the right to participate in the Competition:

1) Independent author and producer, where the author of the project or product is also the manufacturer or the producer;

2) Author with an external manufacturer, where the author is the conceptual developer of the project or product, hires an external person for implementation or production.

Eligible categories of projects and programs:

1) Architecture;

2) Design: graphic, industrial and fashion;

3) Advertising and Marketing;

4) Music and Performance;

5) IT services;

6) Publishing:

7) Craft

A project / program or product can be a combination of one or more of these categories, which complement themselves in a natural and functional way.

The characteristics that a project / program or product must possess are the following:

1) Originality in the basic conceptual concept;

2) Multifunctionality and modularity in application;

3) Market orientation with the possibility of serial placement and sustainability;

4) Affirmation of the national and cultural identity of Montenegro;

5) Production, implementation or assembly of products must be in the territory of Montenegro.

All selected projects / programs or products must be branded under the Creative Montenegro logo and placed on relevant markets and events to promote and further their further development.

The Ministry of Culture will provide € 50,000 for these purposes.

The funds for selected projects / programs or authors will be paid to “escrow” account, required to be opened no later than 7 days from the announcement of the competition results at some of the local Montenegrin banks.

DEADLINE: Applications with the required documentation are submitted by November 26, 2018 at 10am and the decision on selection of programs / projects for co-financing will be made by the Ministry of Culture, on the proposal of the expert commissions, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Culture.

More information can be found at the link: