Jobs in the creative industries need both personality and talent, but Frank Capra once said that all those in the film profession may also have the gaze of Clerk Gable, the artistic potential of Spencer Tracy, the feet of Marlene Dietrich or the purple eyes of Elizabeth Taylor; yet, all this will mean nothing to them unless they also have the challenging thing we usually call courage.

The confident and talented people at Gallileo Production are not afraid of the challenge.

They started operating in 2003 and since then have become involved in the production of documentaries and feature films, commercials, music videos and a large number of different types of video presentations. They are confident in their potential and are always ready to tackle the most complex tasks: from commercial activities to film as art.

They are modest in performance and committed to work, but also very ambitious when it comes to setting goals that are harder to accomplish. They point out that they intend to contribute to the development of the community, respect for human rights and the achievement of the goals of an open and developed civil society, and the development of Montenegro as a multiconnection and multicultural space through the support of projects of media pluralism, art and engaged film in Montenegro. They also see their noble mission in that, through the use of cinematic means of expression (documentaries and TV campaigns – above all), they are constantly trying to explore issues of general interest, open topics of marginalized social groups and contribute to the development of tolerance and civil society, while also empowering civil society. participation in decision-making processes. Not easy, but not impossible.

Young and cheerful Gallileo Production folks don’t mind going the hard way.

Over the past few years, their projects have been presented or awarded in Paris, London, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Calcutta, Delhi, Stockholm, Vancouver, Philadelphia, Madrid, Boston, Vienna, Dublin, St. Petersburg and Cairo. They have directed two feature films (Boys from Marx and Engels Street from 2014 and A View from the Eiffel Tower from 2005) and several international co-productions. They are also proud of the successful implementation of socially engaged projects, which they have implemented in cooperation with the non-governmental sector and which have dealt with extremely important social issues such as: transition of children and young people with special educational needs from primary to secondary school (Do not give up – continue) ; raising awareness among the general public about the existence of torture in prisons of Montenegro, Serbia and Albania, with a view to preventing this inhumane occurrence (Torture Modes); pointing out problems concerning the stereotyping of the Roma population in our area with the intention of reducing the level of discrimination that members of this population face daily (Roma: some happy stories) …

The Gallileo production has also done a number of multifunctional dedicated communication solutions in video format, music videos and strategic solutions in the field of video marketing. Years ago, they have been successfully cooperating with companies such as: Lovcen Bank, Mortgage Bank, Franca, Paradiso, Dukley, Jugopetrol, Montenegro Airlines, IRF CG and many others.

They worked with all their heart on each of these projects.

It is well known that behind every well-done job in the field of creative industries lies the original idea, a creative concept that implements the set strategy in a way that the message gets attention and remains in memory. It is less commonly known that this most often entails a significant assumption of responsibility for a possible failure. Namely, in order to achieve true originality, it is necessary to move from the certainty of predictable strategic thinking to an unusual idea that has never been realized before. Therefore, one such creative step could simply be described as – a huge risk.

Courage is desirable in every business, but, as we can conclude from the previously stated views, in jobs involving the creative industries – it is also a necessity.

It seems that these young, confident and talented Gallileo Production people know best – just that.