Based on the Conclusion of the Government of Montenegro dated 20.03.2020 in order to overcome the negative effects of the Coronavirus epidemic on unemployed cultural workers, due to the cancellation of numerous programs and the suspension of activities in cultural institutions, the Ministry of Culture, pursuant to Article 70 of the Law on Culture, announces a PUBLIC COMPETITION for co-financing activities in the field of cultural and artistic creativity the function of the public interest and the protection of the socio-economic interests of unemployed artists and cultural experts, entrepreneurs in culture, freelance artists as well as cinemas / commercial entities whose activity has been suspended.

In order to overcome the negative socio-economic consequences in the cultural sector due to the coronavirus epidemic, the Ministry of Culture will provide support for activities in the following areas:

  • theatre activity
  • fine and applied art and design
  • musical art
  • literature
  • film industry

The right to participate in the competition are:

  • Individuals (academic artists and cultural experts) who do not have an established employment relationship.
  • Freelance artists registered with the Ministry of Culture.
  • Entrepreneurs registered for cultural activities in the fields of creativity, creative industries, film production, etc. which, due to the inability to generate service traffic, cannot achieve viable operations and sustainability of all relevant processes.
  • Companies, whose main activity is – Screening of films (Commercial cinemas), which, due to the ban on public and other gatherings, have an obstacle in their regular business.

The maximum budget requested for co-financing by the Ministry of Culture for individuals is 3,000€, and for entrepreneurs and businesses is 20,000€.

More details about the competition can be found at: